Portugal Home | Portugal Programs

Four Great Events in the Life of Jesus (Portuguese):


  1. 01 - Jesus Morreu Na Cruz
  2. 02 - Jesus Ressuscitou
  3. 03 - Jesus Ascendeu Ao Ceu
  4. 04 - Jesus Vai Voltar

Four Great Events in the Life of Jesus w/ Q&A (Portuguese):


Hard questions about God (Portuguese):


  1. Portuguese
    01 - Is There A God
  2. Portuguese
    02 - Does God Care About Me
  3. Portuguese
    03 - Does God Know Who I Am
  4. Portuguese
    04 - Why Does God Allow Suffering Part A
  5. Portuguese
    05 - Why Does God Allow Suffering Part B
  6. Portuguese
    06 - Why Do The Just Die Young
  7. Portuguese
    07 - Why Does Evil Always Seem To Win

Hard Questions About God w/ Q&A (Portuguese):


  1. Existe um Deus
    Is there a God

Seven Great Days in the Life of Jesus w/ Q&A (Portuguese):


The Story of Redemption (Portuguese):


  1. 01 - O Grande Inicio
  2. 02 - O Final Antecipado
  3. 03 - A Promessa
  4. 04 - O Sacrificio
  5. 05 - O Mensageiro
  6. 06 - A Mensagem
  7. 07 - Fora Do Egito
  8. 08 - Um Novo Rei
  9. 09 - Anos De Silencio
  10. 10 - Magos Do Oriente
  11. 11 - Nascimento Do Salvador
  12. 12 - O Filho Do Homem
  13. 13 - O Bom Pastor
  14. 14 - O Filho De Deus
  15. 15 - O Cordeiro De Deus
  16. 16 - A Historia Da Redencao

The Story of Redemption w/ Q&A (Portuguese):
