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God’s Story (French):


This series Part 1 of 3 which are 24 episodes which takes us on a breathtaking sweep of ancient events as they are recorded in God’s Word. It is a story of great love and great loss, a story that reveals humanity at its best and at its worst; from the wonderful moments of creation to the dark days of destruction and captivity, this is the story of God actively engaged with His people and their destiny, never giving up, never letting go.

Women Who Trusted God ( French):


This series of 10 programs tells the stories of ten women of faith who trusted God. The Christian Bible gives positive examples of people that we should seek to emulate. This series of ten programs lifts up positive role models to be emulated.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

  1. 001. Hagar- A Woman Who Found God in the Desert
  2. 002. Jochebed- As a Lioness Guards Her Cub
  3. 003. Rahab The Harlot Who Trusted in God
  4. 004. Deborah- Warrior Woman
  5. 005. Ruth- A Woman Who Found Love in a Barley Field
  6. 006. Hannah- A Woman Who Bargained With God
  7. 007. Abigail- THE Woman Whose Husban Turned to Stone
  8. 008. Zarephath- A Woman Who Picked Up Sticks and Found God
  9. 009. The Shunammite Woman-The Woman whose Son sneezed 7 times
  10. 010. Esther- The Beauty Queen Who Saved Her People

What is God Like? (French African):


  1. 001 Dieu sait qui je suis
  2. 002 Dieu est notre pere celeste
  3. 003 Jesus est Dieu
  4. 004 Une image de Dieu

Hard Questions About God (French African):


  1. 001 Dieu existe t-il vraiment
  2. 002 Dieu se preoccupe t'il de moi
  3. 003 Est-ce que Dieu sait qui je suis
  4. 004 Dieu permet-il la souffrance
  5. 005 Pourquoi Dieu permet-il la soufrance
  6. 06 Pourquoi le juste doit-il mourir si jeune
  7. 07 Le mal semble toujours l'emporter

The Story of Redemption (Fongbe):


  1. 01_A Great Beginning
  2. 02_An Early Ending
  3. 03_The Promise
  4. 04_The Sacrifice
  5. 05_The Messenger
  6. 06_The Message
  7. 07_Out Of Egypt
  8. 08_The Demand For A King
  9. 09_Into The Silent Years
  10. 10_Wise Men From The East
  11. 11_The Birth Of The Savior
  12. 12_The Son Of Man
  13. 13_The Good Shepherd
  14. 14_The Son Of God
  15. 15_The Lamb Of God
  16. 16_Redemption

The Story of Redemption (Igbo):


  1. 01 - A Great Beginning
  2. 02 - An Early Ending
  3. 03 - The Promise
  4. 04 - The Sacrifice
  5. 05 - The Messenger
  6. 06 - The Message
  7. 07 - Out Of Egypt
  8. 08 - The Demand For A King
  9. 09 - Into The Silent Years
  10. 10 - Wise Men From The East
  11. 11 - The Birth Of The Savior
  12. 12 - The Son Of Man
  13. 13 - The Good Shepherd
  14. 14 - The Son Of God
  15. 15 - The Lamb Of God
  16. 16 - Redemption