Message From Our Editor
A few words from Art Criscoe:
When Christ to the World Ministries was formed 11 years ago, the CTTW team envisioned that every drama series would also include a set of Bible study leaflets and a Bible study booklet, both in digital format and in hard-copy. Every person listening to a drama would be encouraged to download and print the accompanying Bible study leaflet or booklet or to contact the broadcast station and request them. We immediately were confronted with the very high cost of printing and mailing these resources so we pulled back from the idea at that time, but never lost sight of the vision.
CTTW formed a partnership with Trans World Radio (TWR) in 2014. Now TWR is eager for us to produce the Bible study leaflets and booklets for use in the Spanish-speaking world.
Our partnership with TWR is an answer to prayer as well as the fulfillment of the initial vision of CTTW at the very beginning. Dr. LeRoy Ford, our senior adviser during the early years of CTTW, helped us develop the models for the leaflets and booklets. Fluent in Spanish, he had a passion for us to broadcast in the Spanish-speaking world, though we were unable to do so at the time. Now in heaven, Dr. Ford would be thrilled that what he longed for is now a reality. His influence and legacy will be realized throughout South America, Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and across the southern and western United States as millions of persons can hear and read the story of Jesus in their own language.
Message From Our Editor
A Few Words from Editor Art Criscoe

We are blessed to have many talented leaders, writers and artists, and overseas partners who make up our Ministry Team. We share a common vision and heart for bringing the stories of Jesus alive through drama stories.
Our Resource Series guide which you can access from this website is north star of our ministry. It has been an ongoing project to complete this comprehensive guide – taking more than four years to develop, it will serve as CTTW Ministries’ long-range plan for the next five years.
The use of the guide is two-fold. Our network of writers and developers will use it as a reference for project development and management. It is also a reference for program broadcasters to use as a guide for selecting programs for air time line-up. You will see that the entire guide follows a chronological approach. The guiding principle in its development has been to lift up Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and to present the biblical message from Genesis to Revelation in a sequential manner. The programs described inside will help radio listeners understand the Bible, and they will help listeners come to know Jesus as personal Savior, in whom is eternal life. All of the CTTW team and I are excited to have reached this level in our ministry.
We are thankful that this guide can be shared with the many different country partners, broadcast networks and vital supports that make this ministry happen. I am thankful we can be a part of reaching persons for Jesus Christ.
From the Heart
Art Criscoe, Senior Editor
Message From Our Editor
A message from Senior Editor, Dr. Art Criscoe
I am grateful to the dedicated men and women who write the printed and audio resources for Christ to the World and the skilled artists who render visual interpretations of the Bible stories have a common goal: To reach persons for Jesus Christ. Like the boy who gave Jesus his sack lunch long ago on a hillside in Galilee, we offer our loaves and fishes to God. He has used them to bless people around the world. For this we are grateful. Please pray for our team.