

Republic of Kazakhstan



Area: 2,717,300 sq km World’s ninth-largest country. Dominating Central Asia and trade routes between east and west. Much of the country is semi-desert.

Population: 15,753,460    Annual Growth: 0.73%

Capital: Astana

Urbanites: 58.5%

HDI Rank: 82 of 182 (UN Human Development Reports 2009)


Peoples: 76 (54% unreached)

Official language: Kazakh   

Languages: 43 All languages


Largest Religion: Muslim


Pop %
Ann Gr
Christians 1,914,045 12.15 -1.5
Evangelicals 104,511 0.7 3.5
Muslim 8,456,457 53.68  

Challenges for Prayer The expatriate Christian community is very diverse. Many speak Kazakh and are committed to long-term work in Kazakhstan. Russians, Americans, Koreans, Germans and many other nationalities all enrich the ministry in their own way. Pray for humility as they serve the indigenous Church. Thank God for the coordinating work of the Kazakh Partnership. There are many needs – reaching the unreached, training, discipling, tentmaking as well as business-as-mission and work focused on material needs. The government can be suspicious of and hostile to the presence of missionaries – pray for the doors to remain open to minister. The threat of intimidation, expulsion and even violence exists, even if it is not common.

Christian mercy ministries. There is widespread dysfunction and brokenness in many Kazakh families. Alcoholism and drug addiction are widespread; heroin is as easy to obtain as alcohol. Family breakdown and widespread corruption exacerbate the suffering of many. Pray for Christians to have a powerful transforming effect on society as they demonstrate Christ’s love. There are increasing numbers of ministries focusing on these needs. One of the most remarkable is Mission Agape, a live-in programme where addicts are discipled and trained – over 100 have become missionaries and church planters.